Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Police

Juarez has police. They have supposedly been working on this case for fifteen years and nothing has happened yet. They are mostly dirty cops. Lets say you go to Juarez on vacation and you are going too fast in your car. The police stops you but takes a while to tell you he's gonna give you ticket in the United States you would of got the ticket for sure. But the cop doesn't care that you're going too fast he just wants money and he'll take as little as two dollars and he'll let you go. This is just an example of the police in Juarez, now imagine what they could let a person get away with for more money. The police is not good at all. They could be criminals with permission to have a gun and shoot. Across the street from where I use to live in Juarez lived a police officer and his next door neighbors on the corner house where drug dealers, and next to their house across the street lived another cop. That just shows how much they don't care; not even in their own neighborhood. So for all we know they could be the ones that are kidnapping, raping, and killing the women of Juarez.


Anonymous said...

You make an interesting point here and illustrate it with your story about the close proximity of thugs and police. Why do you think there is such corruption? Does it all boil down to a poor economy and poverty, thus why bribery is so powerful? What real power do the people have if they find no one is doing anything about these female rapes and murders? Are they totally helpless in Juarez? It it very eye-opening to realize that life is so different just feet over the border.

Anonymous said...

What do you know about "Ponte Vista", the government's attempt to help these women? Has that been successful at all??